Git Branching and Merging Strategies

Betül Necanlı
7 min readMay 23, 2023


Git enhances collaboration, facilitates efficient code management, and enables developers to work more effectively as individuals or as part of a team. Its features, such as version control, branching, and collaboration support, make it an indispensable tool for modern software development.

Git branching and merging strategies are used to manage the development of a software project. They allow developers to work on different features of a project at the same time, and to merge their changes back into the main branch when they are finished.

There are many different branching and merging strategies that can be used, and the best strategy for a particular project will depend on the size of the project, the number of developers working on the project, and the development process that is being used.

Some common branching and merging strategies include:


GitFlow is a popular branching model that defines a specific branch structure and workflow. It consists of two main branches: “master” and “develop.” The “develop” branch serves as the main integration branch, where ongoing development occurs. When a stable version is ready for release, it’s merged into the “master” branch. Additional branches, such as “feature,” “release,” and “hotfix” branches, are used for specific tasks and bug fixes. This strategy provides a clear separation of different types of changes and promotes stability.

  • Master: The master branch is the main branch of the project. It contains production-ready code.
  • Develop: The develop branch is the main development branch. It contains all of the changes that are currently being worked on.
  • Feature: Feature branches are used to develop new features. When a feature is complete, it is merged into the develop branch.
  • Release: Release branches are used to prepare for a release. When a release is ready, it is merged into the master branch.
  • Hotfix: Hotfix branches are used to fix critical bugs. When a hotfix is ready, it is merged into the master and develop branches.

📝An example of how GitFlow can be used to develop a new feature:

  1. A developer creates a feature branch for the new feature.
  2. The developer makes changes to the code on the feature branch.
  3. The developer regularly merges changes from the develop branch into the feature branch.
  4. When the feature is complete, the developer merges the feature branch into the develop branch.
  5. A release branch is created for the new feature.
  6. The release branch is tested and prepared for release.
  7. When the release is ready, it is merged into the master branch.
  8. The feature branch is deleted.

🚀GitHub Flow

GitHub Flow is a branching model for Git that was created by GitHub. It is a simpler branching model than GitFlow, and it is often used by smaller software projects.

GitHub Flow has two main branches:

  • Master: The master branch is the main branch of the project. It contains production-ready code.
  • Feature: Feature branches are used to develop new features. When a feature is complete, it is merged into the master branch.

📝An example of how GitHub Flow can be used to develop a new feature:

  1. A developer creates a feature branch for the new feature.
  2. The developer makes changes to the code on the feature branch.
  3. The developer regularly merges changes from the master branch into the feature branch.
  4. When the feature is complete, the developer merges the feature branch into the master branch.
  5. The feature branch is deleted.

🚀Trunk-based Development

Trunk-based development (TBD) is a branching model for Git that is based on the idea of having a single, central branch for all development work. This branch is called the “trunk”.

In TBD, all developers work on the trunk. When a developer makes a change to the code, they commit the change to the trunk. Other developers can then pull the change from the trunk and merge it into their own work.

TBD is a simple and lightweight branching model. It is easy to understand and easy to manage. This makes it a good choice for small and medium-sized projects.

📝 An example of how TBD can be used to develop a new feature:

  1. A developer makes a change to the code.
  2. The developer commits the change to the trunk.
  3. Other developers pull the change from the trunk and merge it into their own work.
  4. When the feature is complete, it is merged into the trunk.

TBD is a simple and effective branching model. It can be used to manage development work on small and medium-sized projects.

🚀Feature Branch Workflow

Feature branch workflow is a branching model for Git that is based on the idea of having a separate branch for each feature that is being developed. This allows developers to work on different features at the same time without interfering with each other.

In feature branch workflow, developers create a new branch for each feature that they are working on. They then make changes to the code on the branch. When the feature is complete, the developer merges the branch back into the main branch.

📝 An example of how feature branch workflow can be used to develop a new feature:

  1. A developer creates a new branch for the new feature.
  2. The developer makes changes to the code on the branch.
  3. The developer regularly merges changes from the main branch into the feature branch.
  4. When the feature is complete, the developer merges the feature branch into the main branch.
  5. The feature branch is deleted.

Feature branch workflow is a good choice for projects with multiple developers. It helps to prevent merge conflicts and keep the main branch stable.

🚀Forking Workflow

Forking workflow is a branching model for Git that is based on the idea of having a separate fork for each developer. This allows developers to work on their own copy of the code without interfering with each other.

In forking workflow, developers fork the main repository to create their own personal repository. They then make changes to the code in their personal repository. When the developer is finished with their changes, they open a pull request to merge their changes back into the main repository.

📝 An example of how forking workflow can be used to develop a new feature:

  1. A developer forks the main repository for the new feature.
  2. The developer makes changes to the code in their personal repository.
  3. The developer regularly merges changes from the main repository into their personal repository.
  4. When the feature is complete, the developer opens a pull request to merge the changes back into the main repository.
  5. The maintainer of the main repository reviews the pull request and merges it if it is approved.

Forking workflow is a good choice for projects with multiple developers. It helps to prevent merge conflicts and keep the main branch stable.

🚀Git Rebase

Rebase is a technique used to incorporate changes from one branch onto another. It allows developers to modify the commit history of a branch, making it appear as if changes were made directly on top of the latest codebase. Rebase is often used to keep feature branches up to date with the latest changes from the main branch. However, it should be used with caution to avoid disrupting collaboration and creating conflicts.

This can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Merging changes from a feature branch into the main branch: When you work on a feature branch, you are essentially working on a parallel timeline of development. Once you are finished with the feature, you need to merge the changes back into the main branch. Rebasing can help to make this process easier by replaying your changes on top of the latest commit in the main branch. This can help to avoid merge conflicts and keep the main branch’s history linear.
  • Cleaning up your commit history: If you have made a lot of small, incremental changes to your code, you may want to rebase them onto a single commit. This can make your commit history more readable and easier to understand.
  • Applying bug fixes: If you have found a bug in a previous commit, you can use rebase to apply the fix to all of the commits that came after it. This can help to ensure that the bug is fixed in all of the affected branches.

📝An example of how rebase can be used to merge changes from a feature branch into the main branch:

  1. Create a feature branch for your new feature.
  2. Make changes to the code on the feature branch.
  3. When you are finished with the feature, switch to the main branch.
  4. Run the git rebase feature command.
  5. The changes from the feature branch will be replayed on top of the latest commit in the main branch.

👉The best way to choose a branching and merging strategy is to experiment with different strategies and see what works best for your team and your project.

⭐️ Here are some additional tips for using Git branching and merging strategies:

  • Use descriptive branch names: Use descriptive branch names so that you can easily identify what each branch is for. This will help you to avoid conflicts when merging branches.
  • Keep your branches up to date: Make sure that you regularly merge changes from other branches into your own branch. This will help to ensure that your code is always up to date.
  • Use pull requests: Pull requests are a great way to get feedback on your code before you merge it into the main branch. This can help to prevent conflicts and ensure that your code is of high quality.

🚀By following these tips, you can use Git branching and merging strategies to manage your software projects effectively.

